Friday, March 14, 2008

My Favorite Organization Thingy

I have created this "blog" just for Lysa TerKeurst's organization swap! I love this neat tip, because I use it every couple of months when the magazines start piling up.

I was in a dilemma a couple of months ago, because I had run out of magazine storage boxes (the ones libraries use in their periodicals rooms), and had about six months' worth of Southern Livings and Country Livings and new Martha Stewart Livings that I couldn't part with, and the piles of them were getting messy. My aunt suggested something she saw on a craft show--using a large cereal box, cut it like the magazine storage boxes you already have, and voila--you have your own box! I placed some masking tape on the side w/ the title of the magazine, and the starting date of the first issue, and when it's full, write the date of the last issue.

After I did the first one, I decided to look up some instructions on the internet, and found all kinds of instructions, w/ exact measurements, covering the boxes w/ sticky-paper or wall paper--if you like pretty as well as organized, these are great tips! Just do a search for cereal box magazine holder, and there are several websites with instructions and suggestions. It's something your kids can help with, too! (As long as they're old enough to handle scissors!) I don't cover mine, as you can see, because they're in a closet, and no one else sees them but me.

Thank you, Lysa! Maybe I'll start blogging for real soon!


  1. I am quite impressed with your blog! It took me weeks to figure out how to post pictures... look at you go girl.

    Love this idea too! Thanks!

  2. What an awesome idea! I just bought an expensive wire magazine rack to "contain" all of the user's manuals we've accrued here and there. I wish I had thought of the cereal box thing before I spent $6! Thanks for sharing that great idea!

  3. That is a great idea! And very impressive blog that you just started.... it tooke me MONTHS to get as far as you did in one day!

  4. Congrats on your new blog. It looks great! I always love ideas that involve recycling/reuse. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Great first post! Have fun with it and I bet you will love it and become addicated to it.

    Have a great weekend,

  6. GREAT tip...i will NEVER buy another magazine holder again. i was ready to buy cheap ones and cover with pretty paper & mod podge, but this is WAY easier.

    and your blog name is cracking me up. ;)

  7. I love this idea! Those magazine racks are soooo expensive and this works just as well. Thanks for the tip!

  8. You have a great blog. It took me about two weeks to figure everything out and I still have one problem that hasn't been solved, but that's okay.
